Friday, July 22nd
9:20 |
Welcome remarks |
9:30 |
Balachander Krishnamurthy
AT&T Labs -- Research
Internet privacy: it is not getting better
10:15 |
Ed Felten
FTC chief technologist
11:00 |
Morning break |
11:15 |
Omar Tawakol
CEO Bluekai
11:45 |
Russell Glass
CEO Bizo
Online privacy: an industry perspective
12:15 |
Lunch |
1:30 |
Dean Hachamovitch
Corporate vice president of IE team, Microsoft
Technical approaches for online Web tracking protections
2:15 |
Arvind Narayanan and Jonathan Mayer
Stanford Security Lab
DoNotTrack: an approach to tracking protection
3:00 |
Afternoon break |
3:20 |
Paul Francis
Director, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS)
Privacy from Advertisers
3:50 |
Nina Taft
Distinguished scientist at Technicolor
Converged Services and Privacy for the Digital Home
4:20 |
Andy Steingruebl
Internet Privacy – Policy Must Precede Technology
4:50 |
Concluding remarks |
Workshop attendance is free.
Spots are limited so please register early.
Confirmed Speakers
Dean Hachamovitch,
corporate vice president of IE team, Microsoft
Ed Felten,
FTC chief technologist
Balachander Krishnamurthy,
AT&T Labs -- Research
Nina Taft,
Omar Tawakol,
Russell Glass,